Wines  Noble Hill Estate Reserve 2021

Other recent vintages:  2020   2019   2018   2017   All vintages

We strive to make wines that are fruitful, delicate, and balanced. We grow our estate grapes organically and follow a minimal-intervention winemaking philosophy. Our estate reserve reflects the knowledge, dedication and intuition of our entire enterprise.

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   R 219 per bottle
  • South Africa    Paarl    Simonsberg
  • 46%
    Cabernet Sauvignon
    Cabernet Franc
    Petit Verdot
  • Production
      130 x 225 liter barrels
  • Award
      92 points, Tim Atkin
  • Award
      94 points, Platter's Guide

In the vines

Each component of the reserve carries different varietal characteristics and reflects slight soil differences between different vineyards on the estate. It is a true reflection of our granite soil and Mediterranean climate.

The wine

From hand-sorting at harvest, each component of this wine begins its fermentation in tank and completes it in 225l French oak barrels. Only the lowest press fractions are used for blending, resulting in a wine composed almost entirely of free-run juice. We work with four family-owned cooperages located near Cognac to produce barrels matched to our intended style.

When our family took over the cellar at Noble Hill, we were given keys to every door and gate, jumbled in a box. Sorting through these keys, we realized that some of them dated back to the farm’s past. Ever since, we’ve placed a key on each wine label. Each different key represents the characters of each unique grape variety that we grow. The 2021 Estate Reserve is labeled with four keys representing Cabernet Sauvignon (46%), Merlot (40%), Cabernet Franc (7%), and Petit Verdot (7%).

This wine elicits the aromas and tastes of fresh black currant, plum, and a touch of mint. Oak plays a well-integrated supporting role. This vintage can be enjoyed confidently from now through 2031.

  • Alcohol
  • Organic in conversion
  • Residual sugar
      1.2 g/l
  • Total acid
      5.5 g/l
  • Total SO2
      76 mg/l
  • Vegan

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